Christmas Bazaar, December 2009
Second Christmas Bazaar on November 7th, 2009.
This bazaar was so much earlier this year due to the circumstance that the owners of the place we do the market at were going on vacation a week later until the end of January.
And as it was so shortly after the show in October, there was not much time to prepare many new things.
Again, like for the Spring bazaar, we had the big room available. There was so much space to show our things and not so much prepared to present, that it was decided that I could use two tables to place my things.
Thus, I had one table for my handicraft works (knitted scarves, caps and other articles) and another for the books and drawings. This time I had printed some outlines of drawings as colouring pages and offered these for the children coming to the bazaar. And if they would feel like starting right away, I had also some coloured pencils prepared.
I had drawings around the room, like the others too, with the theme “angel” and my pencil drawings. I offered to draw similar ones or knit for people, but this was ignored.
Most people just came to look and weren’t ready to buy things yet. Christmas, the season for buying presents, is too far off yet for most and the weather wasn’t aiding with snow to get into that feeling as well.
Nonetheless, I think this bazaar was positive for me. Again I had different people looking at my works, commenting and awing some of them. To my surprise, some persons that had been to the bazaars and the hat fashion show, came again to simply talk with me.
Below my two tables and the pencil drawings. The big colourful "angel" painting behind my knitting is from another artist of our club.